Saturday, January 8, 2011

May & The Vamp: BFF

They have bonded during the ordeal of their respective facial rejuvenation and makeover, when they met in the waiting room.  The Vamp swears that when the Sheik finds her tent, she will not forget her friend, but set aside some time for them to enjoy a hen party.  (The term may derive from the custom of henna parties, when Turkish women would celebrate weddings with a bride to be and paint their hands and feet with fine henna tattoos.)  Well, the Sheik hasn't yet appeared on The Vamp's horizon, and May has more of an interest in her own inner life, so at this point, the girls are not at much risk of forgetting their pledge of lasting friendship.  They are available as a set, on Etsy, so that their friendship need not be geographically restrained, with a twofer deal on shipping . . .  And may we all remember that a friend in hand is worth two Shieks in the, er, well, you get it.


  1. just picked up the art doll issue, have not read it yet! cool gonna check it out! WAY TO GO SISSTA

  2. Hey, Paula (old song, "hey, hey Paula," which you are probably too young to remember). You were the first person to comment on Bottle Baby as I recall, and my first Etsy customer, so you have traveled along with me, methaphorically -- I remember you said your daughter and you got such a hoot out of the little guy. Meanwhile, I am drooling over the new look of your website and your new works! You go too, sissta!
